Murder And The Marine

"A true crime, courtroom thriller, Murder And The Marine navigates the trials of war, and crucible of a capital murder case."


Ian Weintraub, a combat-decorated Marine and skilled lawyer, is called upon by old friends to save the life of their son, now facing the death penalty. Ian will pull on his experience from two tours of duty in Vietnam, and strain every fiber of his being to maneuver a courtroom, and court of public opinion, that is stacked against his client. Will everyone get the retribution they so desperately seek, or can the Marine beat the odds, once again, and convince a California jury to spare a young man's life for this unthinkable tragedy? 



Richard G. Tarlow, J.D.

At his home in Southern California, where he proudly flies his flags for Corps and Country, and always answers to any mention of "Semper Fi." Read more...


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