Keep up with The Marine’s latest events, and stop by for a signed copy, or one of Richard’s priceless stories…


Murder and the marine @ the 2019 l.a. times festival of books

The Marine, Richard Tarlow, will be on-site at the L.A. Times Festival of Books on the campus of USC from April 13-14. You can find him in booth #121, which is located in the Gold Zone/Mid-Trousdale area, right by the Tommy Trojan statue. Or, you can simply keep your ears peeled for the sounds of the United States Marine Corps.

The outdoor portions of the event are FREE to attend. There will be over 400 authors on hand, along with some prominent names like Chelsea Clinton, Eva Chen, Lawrence O’Donnell, and Valerie Jarrett. Learn more here, where you can plan your itinerary or purchase tickets for some of the special events.

Link to L.A. Times Festival of Books